
ROBO EXPO June 2010

Robo Expo 2010 comes to Central IndianannrnnnrnTuesday, June 15th @ 9:00annrnnnrnWhat’s the best way to shorten the learning curve on new automation technology? The answer is the 2010 Robo Expo, being held in Indianapolis on Tuesday, June 15thnnrnnnrnRobo Expo is IAI America’s hands-on training seminar that pairs end users and machine integrators with IAI’s engineering staff to instruct and teach customers on how to use Robocylinders, how to apply and program them, and where to benefit from their use.nnrnnnrnAttending Robo Expo is only $130.00 and in addition to a half day’s worth of engineering training, IAI also provides attendees with a fully functional Robocylinder and the software to program it. This way, customers can take the technology back to the rest of their colleagues and pass the knowledge onto them.nnrnnnrnSlots are currently filling for this June event of Robo Expo for Indiana…contact your outside technical rep for information on how to attend ornnsign up online.rnrnTo learn more download this informative brochure




Blettner Engineering Co., Inc.
8919 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46239

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